Do any of these financial question marks apply to you?


2Q 2022 Market Letter

2Q 2022 Market Letter


If you’re nervous these days, rest assured that you are not alone. In fact, you are in such good company that this lifeboat is starting to look a little bit crowded.

Episode 4: The Summer of Our Discontent

Episode 4: The Summer of Our Discontent

Join us as Jim sits down with Caroline Miller, Chief Asset Allocation Strategist at Alpine Micro. An independent global investment research firm out of Montreal Canada to discuss the inflation, stocks, the FED and how they all combine for the perfect summer of discontent.

Saving for College

Saving for College

May 29th is National 529 Day (5/29), a day created to highlight the importance of 529 savings plans in helping families pay for college or training expenses.

1Q 2022 Market Letter

1Q 2022 Market Letter


Believe me, I get it; it’s ugly out there right now and nothing sounds quite so appealing as the thought of being able to turn a blind eye to it all and pretend that none of this is happening.

Earth Day 2022: Let's Talk about ESG

Earth Day 2022: Let's Talk about ESG

On this day, created to raise awareness about environmental issues, we reflect on how the choices we make affect the environment.

Episode 3: Word is Bond

Episode 3: Word is Bond

On this not-to-be-missed episode of the Value of Time podcast, we’re diving deep into the bond market: at a time of rising inflation and interest rates, what should we expect, what can we do, and why the heck would we even want to own bonds at a time like this?! We’ll get the answers to all of this and more with industry veteran Eddie Bernhardt of Invesco.

4Q 2021 Market Letter

4Q 2021 Market Letter


Another year under our belts, another one already storming out of the gate. Before 2022 completely gets away from us, though, conventional wisdom dictates that, as investors, it is our duty to stop and scrutinize the books we only just barely closed this past December 31st. The purpose?

The Responsibilities of Administering a Retirement Plan for Employees

The Responsibilities of Administering a Retirement Plan for Employees

Tips and advice on why it’s important to have retirement plans for your employees!

Why Stock Market Bulls May Be Right to Push Valuations So High

Why Stock Market Bulls May Be Right to Push Valuations So High

With U.S. stocks reaching new highs, investors and experts alike are starting to wonder if market conditions are getting frothy. In a frothy market, investor enthusiasm begins to outpace any consideration of risk.

Who are the states without income tax?

Who are the states without income tax?

Did the lockdown of the pandemic leave you with the itch to travel? Or perhaps it made you leave your home state altogether? The pandemic of last year came with many unforeseen circumstances.

These 5 Hobbies Topped the Charts during Covid

These 5 Hobbies Topped the Charts during Covid

Anyone who spent months at home this past year while isolating knows how important it is to alleviate cabin fever. These top five hobbies helped millions of people fill the unexpected hours of free time they never had before.